Welcome – Flotsam, Jetsam, and Other Minutiae

Well, while I am pretty convinced that no one is interested in my meandering thoughts (I am hardly interested, why would anyone else be?), I do enjoy writing.  Putting oneself and egomaniacal musings on the internet may not be the brightest thing in the world.  Who thought of putting one's diary out for everyone to read?  Still, writing every day is one important way to train your craft.  Anyway, the likelihood of anyone finding this, dare I say it, diamond in the rough is near-zero, call it &epsilon.  Prudence and discretion will dictate and caution.

My brain is like a pinball machine, all non-linear, interconnected thought.  When I am not on my ADHD medication, anyway.  This blog, such as it may one day become, reflects that.  Take it, leave it, come back to it.  This is for me.  Facts and supporting evidence are irrelevant.  My rants and raves will rein supreme – my own personal soapbox, heavy as it is to carry around. 

This blog is really a set of linked blogs. My own personal brain map. Each has it's own Welcome page like this one, a dedicated blog space, and whatever other information I find interesting related to it's topic.  Anyone looking at it, might very well get lost.  Travel at your own risk.

I hope you, who stumbled upon my diatribe, enjoy the work.  For me, I am looking forward to the process.

updated 19 April 2013


  1. FANTASTIC BLOG! Thank you for doing it. As a 3rd deg Black Belt (Mark Gerszewski's highest), I appreciate what you have done. I, too, have ADHD. If you would like to contact me, my email is lionhardht at yahoo dot com.

    (friendly bow to fellow CDKer)

    1. I saw your plaque last Saturday at our brown belt class. ... The blog is coming slowly, but it's the only way to keep it all straight in my head. Hoping to test in February, with luck it will be up to date by then. ... and the errors corrected.
